Last month saw the unveiling of the final collaboration between forward thinking Japanese clothing label Uniqlo and luxe label Jil Sander. Famed for bringing Sander's signature minimalist cuts and tailoring at High Street prices, unlike flash in the pan collaboration's of the past +J went on to win the 2010 Fashion design category at the Design Award and has had consistently received positive reviews from the press.
I admire the collection for Sander's and Uniqlo's ability to not compromise in bringing high quality designs to the masses. Like its subdued colour palette and pared down designs, +J managed to quietly become the go to brand for basics and classic pieces perfect to fit into anyone's wardrobe.
My all time favourite piece's from the collection have to be my black fitted peaked lapel blazer and my much loved and worn in dark indigo longline minimal knee length coat.
Take a look at some of the campaign visuals for the final menswear range below....